The youth undoubtedly represents the work force of a nation,so the more vibrant the youth of a nation,the more powerful the man-power of that nation.It is a very sad but true phenomenon that the youth of GHANA don't exhibit the agility and the willingness needed to catapult the nation into greater heights. To Begin with,It was an issue of worry when it was reported that a 20 year old young man had been the perpetrator of a serious criminal offence 'ASSASSINATION' which lead to the death of a prominent individual Dr.J.B Danquah. Equally more shocking was the revelation that he is an ex-convict.If a 20 year old could be capable of such atrocities,then its only right we ask ourselves what sort of training we giving our youth. In addition,It is very okay to enjoy the good things in life but it becomes a problem when important and necessary things are overlooked in the pursuit of those good things.We the youth of today seems to be followers of good rather than really necessary things.Tweeting,taking to Facebook,whatsapp,Instagram seems to be the 11th commandment which is okay but then again social media is seemingly posing a threat of destructiveness to the youth.We mostly end up spending more time on social media than with our books hence becoming less competent young men in our society.We never want success as bad we want to be the coolest boys and girls in town. To Conclude, It is very difficult to see more youth patronizing educational stuffs such as reading books,listening to educative sermons,trying to learn more.Instead,we are more interested in following latest trends and hash tagging(#) every pic and statement on social media and until we change our approach to these disturbing factors,the puzzle would remain unsolved. It is my prayer that this piece of journal would serve as a wake up call to we the youth of our beloved nation,GHANA GOD bless the WORLD Ankomah Evans.


  1. Quite insightful...but I believe the adults have also played a part in this canker eating our youths up

  2. The youth cant wholly be blamed but we are responsible for our own actions


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