I want to talk to you on a very important subject. I have a variety of  motivation which influences whatever topic i write on, let me move with jet-like speed in the direction of what i want to talk about because it’s been a long tedious day and i’m weary! 
    The other day , i was in the midst of my friends (Selorm & Derrick) and we were having candid  discussions on basically general topics until somewhere along the conversation , the subject of I.T specifically programming crept in. The whole atmosphere changed and Derrick took center stage because he was speaking with so much insight and knowledge that the other two of us couldn't help but kept mute whilst trying to take in a thing and two because this was no more just a conversation but a lecture because although the evening started with the former,it ended becoming the latter.
Right after getting home that night,I had my inspiration for this write as it was all so obvious to me the lesson i learned that evening ,sleep is now slowly evading my eyes.
    The first question i asked myself that evening was "on what subject do i command such silence or attentiveness whenever i speak",Right at that moment I'd answered a very important question everyone should be asking themselves "What is my area of my dominion?"
Actually the key to life is finding your niche. There's nothing as confident as a man who has discovered his purpose and it's from the confidence comes another very important trait DISCIPLINE.
Discipline is an imperative topic when the subject of purpose gets into the conversation because discipline gives direction to vision. The life of a man who has discovered his purpose becomes very tight because he won't entertain anything that doesn't sync with his visions and he needs not the approval of anyone to move because he knows where he is headed and what roads wouldn't take him there.
    Whilst on the bed that evening,my head was flocked with so many questions such as "Whom i was,my destination and how i could get there".
You see we become the people we become because of our time management and how we deal with the changes that will inevitably happens to us all. It is obvious we all are brought into the world for fulfillment of a purpose within a very limited time thus we cannot afford the very expensive game of experimenting with our lives and when you die without wanting to live because you've given the whole of you,then BOOM!! you've been success and your time here indeed was every second worth it.
       We get the word 'Destination' from DESTINY and this is a very important paragraph and i plead total attention to this very one!! You see,vision and understanding of where one is headed adds a very important ingredient to the mixture of purpose, FAITH!!. Faith is the head chemist of the mind and regardless whatever stones or rocks one may have to deal with on the road to attainment of one's purpose , we surmount and overcome because the faith of where we are headed is so fixed in our minds that although these stones or rocks which are supposed to be difficulties,they become stepping stones.You're going to need faith because it is that thing which will help you surmount the inevitable test the world will throw at your vision to test it's authenticity!!
 Alright now, i'm off to bed!!


  1. Really interesting perspective. I'd never thought of it that way but it's true. Where is our niche, probably whatever we're putting our time and energy into to. Definitely some food for thought hear about how I use my time!

    1. I'm glad this write gave you a new perspective. It's always imperative to see things in a different way

  2. The purpose of life is living a life of purpose @ RickWarren comes to mind after my thorough insights into this article. It's has placed aback to reflect on things I'm unable to do and has triggered and awoken a new found conscious spirit of diligence, steadfastness and hope in me. I pray I'll have more interaction with this top notch calibre of article to enlighten and calibrate our walks on this biosphere. I'm just reminded through this scripts that birds don't compete for space in the sky since everyone has his/her essence on earth.
    This is a must read article to the universe!
    Great job, Sianoville.


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