In the year 1957,a baby was born in the land of Africa , in the West side of Africa to be specific. This was a child that was a result of great turmoil and continuous struggle with the "OUTSIDE WORLD".
 The child brought with it great anticipation of one that should turn out to be the pride of the land AFRICA. However,60 years along the line since it's conception ,the story has not been a tasteful one as postulated .
   YES YES YES , Ghana should by now have been up there with the elite within at least the African contingent , I know some will say Ghana is too young a nation to place on it's shoulders such expectation but fact is difference between the poor and rich nations in the world does not depend on age.This can be shown by countries such as Egypt and India who are more than 2000 years old and poor WHILST nations such as Canada , Australia , and New Zealand who are less than 200 years old and are rich so age is definitely not key.
    In Ghana, We've been blessed with numerous and abundant natural resources which should've been a catalyst in helping us attain our global goals. It is indeed amazing that a nation such as Japan which has a limited territory ,about 73% mountainous which is inadequate but it s the world's third best economy, HOW !!! The whole country is like an immense flowing factory importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products , that's how they do it , now that's a major key alert. Another example worth the scope is Switzerland which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world.In its little territory , they plant only during four(4) months of the year but in Ghana , we've been blessed with very nice climatic conditions that you can plant and rip at  virtually any time of the year, now that's a major key alert.
    It is also important to note race or skin color is not  essential because immigrants who labor lazily in their country of origin are productive who they travel abroad,WHY ?, Perhaps leadership is reason for that. 
   Another legit example is Israel which is virtually desert yet they produce vegetables,green fine vegetables,these are very serious issues and lessons we should imbibe into our national senses as people. 
  Ghana is Sixty(60) and maturity should be setting in now but we go about as an entity which enjoys fence sitting when it should've been the other way round with regards to how we go about very delicate issue national issues. With the exception been known as a peaceful nation , what else can we boast of in our national resume. It is important the Ghanaian begins to understand that "Muscle Power pains whilst Brain Power Pays" , so its crucial we learn how to work smart , not hard because we've been working hard thus far , why don't we give smartness a chance.
  It is important we acknowledge the words of Kamo-no-Chomei who said 

“The flow of the river is ceaseless; and its water is never the same" , its the same for humanity , no wonder the Greek philosopher Heraclitus had asked " Is it possible to step in the same river twice ".We(Ghanaian)  better start thinking things thoroughly and take the race to these guys(powerful economies) out there or we continue been spectators of world economic marathon runners, we got to know we can no longer approach information age problems with industrial age thinking , I hope we don't become species which have been provided organs we still do not know how to use. But in the words of Dr. Buckminster Fuller "If humanity is to pass through it's present crises on earth , it would be because a majority of individuals are now doing their own thinking".

     Bad Leadership has obviously left an indelible mark on us as a nation but it is important w taking upon our heads as people to strive and glide towards the sky , enough of the "Jerry did this, Kuffour did this , Mahama did that" ,  lets move on already. Also,on this note, it makes me a bit worried the sort of irrelevant stuffs our T.V is made up of this days, just talking and discussing things we have absolutely no idea about. Issues of National interest and current affairs should be at the heart and finger-tip respectively  of every Ghanaian, how do you ingrain that into the people   THE MEDIA

    We got to start making a conscious,collective effort towards pushing this country into higher heights , 60 yrs of continuous walking shouldn't leave us in the slumps , It is my hope our subsequent years mark will be much more substantial. And oh, My Prayers up and a happy belated birthday to that young boy of yesterday who turned 60 a month ago but it's about time he shows maturity. 


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